Data Warehousing

What is Data Warehouse

A data warehouse is a more structured and sophisticated database.   It stores your data for you, yes, but it also provides context, history, analysis, organization, and possibly even AI parsing.
data warehouse

These extra features make data warehouses an effective way to store vast quantities of data. And by vast, we're talking about data pools that go beyond terabytes. Businesses collect petabytes of data from the apps, communications, and services their teams and customers are using.

For many businesses, this data is currently going to waste. The immense value it can provide is overshadowed by its tremendous size, rendering it unusable. A data warehouse can help solve this challenge and support big data analytics efforts at your company.

Data warehouse solutions are increasingly essential as organizations strive to make the best use of their data. But selecting the best data warehouse for your needs can be tough, and there are plenty of options to choose from.

In the Information Age, data analysis has become a core part of business. Companies have been investing in data collection resources for the better part of the last twenty years, and now, they have access to massive amounts of data across multiple platforms. Today, the challenge isn’t collecting data — it’s knowing what to do with it. This is where a data warehouse can make a big difference.

There’s not necessarily anything wrong with databases. But for most companies, a database is too simple to be helpful for business intelligence, especially when a company is pulling data from various sources. It’s similar to how a plain text editor can be used as an integrated development environment (IDE) — functional, but it’ll never have all the features and capabilities that a purpose-built IDE does.

Data warehouses are built for the modern era. They’re capable of taking in data from multiple sources, including internal databases, third-party apps and services, customer support systems, diagnostics, and so on. This data is not only stored and secured (as it would be in a database), but it’s also structured, organized, and analyzed in helpful ways.

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